
The Doha Startups portal is designed to be Qatar's largest online platform for startups, investors, incubators, accelerators, mentors and other eco system enablers. The objective is to create possibilities for collaboration and partnerships between different entities. Anyone will be able to access a wealth of free resources and participate in the many programs that will be accessible through the platform.

The portal will continue to evolve and be a platform where startups can have detailed and complete profiles that will be a paid service in the near future. This will be a premium service that will create a gateway for startups in Qatar to be visible to the region and the rest of the world and connect with investors and partners.

Doha Startups is powered by 360nautica, which is a venture and a growth capital platform with a focus on helping entrepreneurs grow from an idea stage to a self-sustainable organization.

For more information on 360-Nautica please visit www.360-nautica.com